Saturday, 4 August 2012

Java Design Patterns : Learning Process

We have found that, regardless of the language, learning design patterns is a three-step process.

  1. Acceptance

  2. Recognition

  3. Internalization

First, you accept the premise that design patterns are important in your work. Then, you recognize that you need to read about design patterns so you will know when you need them. Finally, you internalize the patterns in sufficient detail that you know which ones might help you solve a given design problem.

For some lucky people, design patterns are obvious tools, and these people can grasp their essential utility just by reading summaries of the patterns. For many of the rest of us, there is a slow induction period after we've read about a pattern followed by the proverbial "Aha!" when we see how we can apply them in our work. This book takes you to that final stage of internalization by providing complete, working programs that you can try out yourself.

The examples in Design Patterns are brief and are in C++ or, in some cases, Smalltalk. If you are working in another language, it is helpful to have the pattern examples in your language of choice. This book attempts to fill that need for C# programmers.


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